Sunday, April 25, 2010

Introducing our new Tortoise!

Here is our newest addition! Sawyer James Ford Fossum- a Russian desert tortoise. We bought him from Petsmart last February and since we were in a Lost watching frenzy, decided to name him Sawyer. He sleeps in a huge 52 gallon aquarium in Enoch and Isaac's room. I didn't know what it takes to keep this pet alive but I learned that he needs two kinds of lighting... uva and uvb. But he eats lettuce, some spinach, apples and pears. He really is a good little pet and very very low maintanance. Hopefully we will be able to keep him alive since I have killed fish and hamsters. Yesterday Enoch helped John build a big cage for him to be in the backyard during the Summer. It has to be at least 70 degrees outside. Welcome to our family Sawyer, we hope you will outlive at least me!

1 comment:

Becky said...

I'm excited for my kids to meet him. He's cute!