Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Three in One

A few weeks ago I was given three baby showers in one week. I feel truly blessed. This girl is going to be so spoiled! I don't think I could ask for better friends and family who have supported me through all this. Now.... we just need a baby to go with it!

The first shower was with my bookclub at Liz's house. She and Laurel threw it for me. They did a rubber duckie theme and had ice cream sundaes and duckie sugar cookies. We also did pedicures and soaked our feet per my request! I don't think we even talked about books that night, but we did make flower bows for ourselves or our daughters and opened lots of cute girl clothes. It was a night to remember especially the few seconds of rain that fell on us! The only person missing that night was Kristin who was out of town. We also missed all you girls who have moved: Cumorah, Michelle, Becky and Frenchie. It's never the same without you all here!

The second shower was with John's family- his sister's, mother, and grandmother. We drove up to Salt Lake and had a great time at Ingrid's house. This picture of the Salt Lake valley was taken off her balcony. She has an awesome view! Grandma Flo gave me a quilt that she made. All of my boys got one from her too! She is 97 or so and super amazing. I felt so honored to have a quilt made by her for my daughter. It will definitely be a family heirloom. My mother-in-law loves pigs so she gave me a princess piggy bank. It is seriously the cutest thing ever and I have it sitting on my baby's dresser. She wants to put money in it every year for her birthday. Isn't that a cute idea? The pig has a tiara and a little tutu on, it's so cute! I got a lot of cute little outfits and we ate tacos and played games. Grandma Flo beat us at Skip-bo, she's so competitive! It was a great girls night out! Thank you ladies for all that you did for me, I felt definitely spoiled!

The last shower was held in my neighbor's backyard. She has a very beautiful garden. I felt like I was in a reception center. She had a chocolate fountain so you can only imagine the yummy treats that we ate there. I felt a little embarrased because I received so many gifts. I'm not used to being so pampered. I love all the women in my ward and feel so blessed to have them as my friends. I had two other friends come up as well that I have known forever. That meant a lot to me! My sister Liz also came representing my family. She is the only family member that lives by me so my mom and sister Becky are saving their gas to come when the baby is actually here! But thank you Liz for taking time out of your busy schedule for me that night. Thank you all you beautiful women for making this night and week so special!


Alecia said...
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Alecia said...

Sarah Congrats on the beautiful baby! I saw the pics on Liz's blog... hope you are recovering well. Take care!