Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Happy Halloween!

I had a fabulous birthday this year. Since my birthday falls on Halloween, it is literally a treat every year. This year my Mom and Sam came down from Idaho to celebrate with us. It has been a long time since they both have been with me on my birthday. John and I woke up early that morning to run the Halloween Half Marathon which took place up by Sundance and down through Provo canyon. I ran it with my friends because of course John is way to speedy for me. Four of my friends and I trained for a long time for this race. We decided it would be fun to dress up as Cheetah girls. A lot of people wore costumes. It was a fun race. The first five miles were a very steep downhill so my legs really took a beating. When we reached the Provo trail, it was really foggy and kind of spooky: perfect for halloween. Then as we came out of the canyon it turned really sunny and beautiful: a perfect run. I was pretty happy with my time: 1:59 which was my personal goal. And of course John ran it like in 90 minutes.
It was a surprise to me when we got home to see that my yard had been decorated with every halloween decor you can think of. I thought it was awesome but my friends were hoping I would think it was discusting because it was major overkill. I loved it though and felt loved as well. The tombstones read stuff like: here lies a hottie, and i ran here.... and the date of my birthday. I thought it was so fun. They even put Edward from Twilight on my front porch! Liz and Sam helped decorate as well. I thought that was pretty surprising since Liz came up from Provo and then came back down and met me at the end of the race. I had no idea what trouble she went through that morning. Sam also went to Krispie Cream and bought us all doughnuts! My friend Colleen and I went off sugar for two months and Halloween was the day that we could eat sugar again so that doughnut tasted so good!
I went out to lunch with Sam, mom and Liz and we went to Iggy's to eat. Then I went and got some new jeans at the Buckle because John gave me some birthday money! I got a lot of fun gifts from everyone this year and feel so loved!
That night we went trick-or-treating at the church trunk or treat. Liz and David and their kids came up as well. Liz made a yummy white chili and brought me my favorite sugar cookies topped with candy corns! I decided not to have a cake this year because all I wanted were those cookies! It was worth every bite too! I think I ate like four!
This year the kids were very cute in their costumes: Enoch was Michael Jackson and was "thrilled" because he really loves his music! Isaac was a zombie-mummy(anything to look as scary as possible). the twins Ben and Jake were ninjas and Rachel was a little unicorn. I was going to dress up but by that time I was dead tired so I just painted my face and called it good.
Afterwards we took the kids around the block trick-or-treating and then hung out the rest of the night. I think I crashed at like 9 because I was wiped out. What a fun and Long day!
Thanks so everyone that made this day special! Earlier on in the week my friends surprised me by having John take me out to dinner and they all met me at the restaraunt..... I also got the treat to go to my favorite restaraunt with John, mom and Sam: the Red Iguana. Then on Sunday after my birthday we went to Mom and Dad Fossums and they had a special birthday dinner for me with everyone. I think I'm all birthdayed out now! Thanks everyone!


Liz said...

That was a fun day for me and it wasn't even my birthday! Love you! You have a great group of friends.

Sadie Lynn said...

Glad your birthday was so fabulous, wish we could of been there to share in all the celebration.

Anonymous said...

Nice time on the race! You earned those cookies :)