Monday, September 8, 2008

Another Great Race!!

This past Saturday, John ran another marathon. It was down Provo Canyon, a very beautiful run. He said that this time it was easier than the Salt Lake marathon because he was in familiar territory and also knew what to expect. He ran it with his buddy, Kenneth, who has never run one before. Around mile 25 Kenneth hit the wall and John pulled him through for the last mile. Can you imagine running that far? Way to go John!

A couple weeks ago, John hurt his ankle again, which he has hurt numerous times in the past. I was really worried about him running the race but he was very determined and in the end said that his ankle didn't give him any trouble.

John isn't your average trainer. He only runs around three times a week, one of which is a long run. I keep telling him that if I'm going to run a marathon I have to run every day. He thinks that is all overated, but I know the truth. I'm married to Superman!


Sam Packer said...

haha, that is incredible! i can't imagine running that far...and on little training! congrats to john :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to John! That is such a feat and accomplishment. I'm so very impressed!

Erika said...

Way to go Johnny Boy! I am so proud of you. I am just overcome sometimes by what a great father, husband, teacher and athlete you have become. I am so proud of you, but I guess I said that. I love you! Sarah thanks to you for keeping us all updated. We love it. What a sweet little angel you have added to your already sweet little brood. You are amazing!