Monday, September 22, 2008

My Show is Smallville

Okay. So since my sisters did a post on their blogs about their favorite tv show, here is mine. (although it's not a reality show, sorry.) I got into Smallville from my friend Becky Maness and have loved it ever since. I usually like to watch all the seasons on dvd because I have a great movie theater in my house, and I love to watch everything all at once. Who wants to wait until the next week to find out what happens? Anyway, the Fall reminds me of watching Smallville. I bought all the seasons and watched them (a lot with Liz) in the Fall. Our favorite thing to do was to go to a gas station and get a big diet Coke with Vanilla flavoring and go watch a couple episodes in the theater. Where were the kids during this time you may wonder? Ah, we didn't really care much about them, we were so addicted to Tom Welling, why would we remember we even have kids? J/K ...I often joke with John that he looks like Tom Welling but is bald. I've also had people tell me that before too, so I'm not that far off. In fact, Enoch just asked me if this picture was Dad, see what I mean? So I was shopping for a good movie the other night with my husband and there on the shelf was Smallville season 7! Just in time for me to purchase it for my birthday, and the Fall is almost here! Oh, I can't wait to get that one!

1 comment:

Becky said...

They would be a great Edward and Bella. Don't ya think?