Happy Holidays to everyone! We thought that it would be fast this year to write our newsletter online. Most of the newsletters get thrown away, so we thought that those of you who really want to know what's going on with us this year will come to our blog! A lot has happened this year, it has flown by, and a lot of new NEWS has come our way.....this letter is written by me, Sarah. It's just wierd and uncomfortable to write in third person so I will take responsibility for writing this!...
January- I got a NEW foot. After running a half marathon I thought my foot was broken. Little did I know it was an extra bone on the inner side of my left foot that needed to be removed. The doctor said it was as big as a walnut and the end was broken off! Now I can run like a gazelle (well, almost). We drove up to Rexburg to the open house of the NEW Rexburg temple. It is beautiful and breathtaking and our kids thought it was the coolest thing to be able to go inside! They loved the celestial room and all the crystals in the chandeleir(sp?).
February -John got a NEW church calling, Elders Quorum President. After that I was soon released from YW and put in scouts (dangit) but it has been good for me to work with Enoch. John is doing great in his calling and he makes all the guys feel important and welcome. I think he will soon be the new bishop, j/k but it wouldn't surprise me.
March- John and I reNEWed our wedding vows as we celebrated our ten year anniversary. We saved money by taking the kids over to Liz and David's for the night. Who would spend money on a hotel when you can just hang out at home? We went to dinner and a movie, my favorite date.
April- John picked up a NEW hobby- running. He ran the Salt Lake Marathon, one of his first races. He made it in great time and didn't even feel too tired afterward. Woo-hoo! He also ran the Provo river Marathon this year and others that seemed like a breeze. After trying to convince him for years to run, I think he has finally discovered his NEW talent.
May- Besides turning nine, Enoch went to the dentist and discovered he had two more NEW cavities! I think Enoch can beat any kid with all the work he has had done to his teeth. You name it and he has probably had it done, therefore, he is very afraid of the dentist and we had to bribe him with a NEW toy.
June-John took Enoch and Isaac and drove down to Arizona with his Dad to see Chris and Kimbie in their NEW location. They went four wheeling on Chris' property, went swimming and played at the park. They said it was hot, but fun to be with family. I stayed home with the twins to rest my pregnant belly and all it's NEW stretchmarks.
Jacob and Benjamin turned five and received some NEW bikes. They taught themselves how to ride without training wheels and thought it was fun to have NEW bruises.
July-Isaac and Jacob decided to dive into something NEW this summer and took swimming lessons. They loved it! Ben tried for one session and wanted to quit after the first day(better luck next summer). We drove up to NEW territory to the Anderson family reunion(my mom's side) in Boise and had fun at Marla and Rick's house. They rented a large blow up slide and the kids played in it all day. The boys tried to make excuses to stay longer.
Isaac turned 7 and we went to Fairview because it was our 24th of July tradition with the Fossum side. This is nothing NEW, but I did get a NEW spider bite on my leg and misquito bites all over. Fun!
August - Our NEW baby girl, Rachel Elizabeth, arrived on August 20th. She is such a sweet little princess, or shall we say big? She weighed 9'7 and was born by c-section. I was kind of relieved because I don't know how I would have pushed her out. She had beautiful brown hair and lots of it, which was a surprise because our boys were all bald blondies. I was given three showers and received tons of NEW clothes, which is sad to say because she has outgrown a lot of them already. The boys love her and spoil her with NEW kisses every day. She is a daddy's girl and has a big girl look on her face whenever John holds her. We are so lucky and blessed to have this new little angel in our home!
John and I bought some NEW toys. I sold my vinyl letter company and bought a NEW camera. I would have to say it is the best investment I have made thus far. You can never spend too much money on memories. John decided to splurge and buy a 52 in. plasma tv. That may come as a shock to some people since John isn't one to go out and splurge like that. I think I'm still in shock at the sporatic and exciting move he made. Way to go! But John received another NEW job teaching online at Devry University so he's feeling in control of our finances. I think that is three jobs for him now. He's always been a slave when it comes to work.
September- The boys have been loving their NEW teachers in school. Enoch is now in fourth grade and loves Spelling and Reading. Isaac is in first grade and is the oldest in his class and lets everyone know. The twins, Jake and Ben, started pre-school this year (yes I am holding them back as well) and love their teacher, my sister of a friend Alisa Gilchrist.
October- I turned 33 this year on Halloween, which is nothing NEW, but John did give me something NEW- a mixer that I have been wanting for forever. I love it and use it every day. We all dressed up in NEW costumes this year. I was surprised when John came home from work with a wig to dress up in after I had complained that he never dresses up. He's a sweetie.
We also started doing something a little NEW, and that is one-on-one dates with our boys. We switch off taking one boy a week on a date so that we can give them a little extra attention. The boys have loved going to Nickel Cade, Cabella's, miniture golfing, etc. It's all sheer entertainment for them and sheer agony for us. But we do love the extra alone time we get with each of them.
November-John and I have started working out at the NEW rec center just down the street. It's a nice facility. I go with a couple friends around six every morning to run, do aerobics classes, and lift weights. John lifts weights with his friend and I think he's almost as buff as my brother Andy(but not quite)
My brother Sam surprised me with a birthday gift this year to go see my favorite band Coldplay on their NEW viva la vida tour. I went with Liz and David and we had the time of our lives. John stayed home with the kids and said he didn't want to miss the BYU vs. UT football game. Um, Coldplay or Football? That's a hard decision, haha.
We had a nice Thanksgiving dinner at Mom and Dad Fossum's this year and loved their NEW idea- eating in the garage! It was warm cuz mom put heaters out there. Loved it!
December- The boys have been having fun with all this NEW snow we have been receiving. They just discovered how to build a snowman. This time of year reminds us of all the NEW years resolutions that we want to make.
And of course we get to celebrate the birth of our Savior who gives us NEW life if we but believe. We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We love and appreciate all of you. Words cannot describe how you complete our lives.
With Love,
the Fossums
John, Sarah, Enoch, Isaac, Jacob and Benjamin, and our little Princess, Rachel Elizabeth
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Lights on Temple Square
On Black Friday we went up to Salt Lake City to enjoy the lights at Temple Square. Martin and Ingrid watched Rachel while we went and took the boys to the Joseph Smith movie at the JSMB. We have been reading the Doctrine and Covenants this year as a family so the boys loved to see the movie because it brought the book to life for them. Enoch and Isaac especially loved it. Then when the movie was over we walked outside and the lights were turned on. It was a beautiful sight. I took some pictures with my night setting on my camera and think they turned out okay.
After that we went to Martin and Ingrids and had nachoes for dinner and were able to chat for awhile. I really miss those days when we could just sit back and hang out. It was a fun night and something jolly to bring in the
s spirit!
Monday, December 8, 2008
What a Wonderful Life!!
Happy Thanksgiving! This year we spent Turkey Day at Mom and Dad Fossum's in Highland. We thought it would be fun to spend the night so that it would feel like we were actually going on a trip for Thanksgiving. We should have stayed a whole week considering how much stuff we packed up just for the night. But it was really fun. We had pizza the night before and surprised the boys with Kung Fu Panda and Wall-e that we got on dvd so that we could have a movie night. I think they've watched Kung Fu Panda a million times already.
John's sisters Ingrid and Cat came on Thanksgiving with their families. They all live in the area as well. Mom decorated the garage and we ate out there so that it would be easy to clean up and we could use the rest of the house for games etc. afterwards. What a brilliant idea! There were heaters out there to make it nice and comfortable, and then four tables set up in a square so that we could all see eachother and talk during dinner. It turned out to be really relaxing and not so chaotic as it always seems to be.
Dad made a really yummy turkey. Cat made some outrageous orange rolls, and John made his southern sweet potato pie. mmmm....and of course mom made a million things like her tasty pies(the pecan was my favorite) and fudge. We ate so much we all felt sick, so then most of us had naps after
ward. I think
we ate fudge for a week after a
nd I probably gained five pounds. Isaac ate five or six orange rolls that Aunt Cat made. The twins ate down most of the meat on the drumsticks and Enoch just "loved it all!" Later on all the ladies played Phase 10 and Uno.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
a day at the park
Saturday, November 29, 2008
When do you cry?
So I was thinking about the times in my life when I cry. I was thinking this because I cry so easily, maybe I get it from my mom's side of the family. But it just feels good sometimes to cry, it's like a stress relief or something. Here is the list of things that usually make me cry.
1. When I feel the Spirit- I always try to hold back the tears when I bear my testimony in church. The Spirit effects all my senses, mainly my tear ducts. Whenever someone is giving a talk or a lesson in church and they start crying, I have to look away or I will too. Or whenever I talk about something spiritual or sentimental I will start crying.
2. When someone ruins something of mine- one of my dear friends mentioned this and it's true about me as well. One time my boys got into something of mine and ruined it. I automatically started crying. If my stuff is messed with I get mad, especially feminine things. I feel invaded and personally attacked if my things get messed with. So no one better find my candy stash.
3. When someone I love leaves- I hate goodbyes. Whenever someone comes to visit, I always cry as they pull out of the driveway. This is defenitely from my mom and her sisters. They always did that when they were young. I hate goodbyes.
4. Whenever my husband tells me sporatically that he loves me. I usually know when to expect it but if he catches me off guard the tears come flowing. If anything is out of place in our relationship it hurts me to the core until I fix it.We hardly ever fight or argue but when we do I don't think there is anything that feels worse.
5. Whenever I receive a sentimental gift- like Coldplay tickets, or a diaper bag I really wanted, or basically any card that my husband gives me.
6- songs- music touches me. Okay this is kind of wierd, but when I was a kid I would listen to FM100 and cry to all the songs that came on. Whenever someone dedicates a song to me I cry.
7. movies- this one isn't as bad as other ones but if it is a spiritual movie like the Joseph Smith movie that is playing at the JSMB right now, I think I cried like five times in that one. If it is a movie I totally get into I will cry. But most of the time I'm fine. As far as books go, I think I've only cried one or two times from reading something sad in a book.
8. When I'm totally worn out or stressed- what do you call that, a nervous breakdown? It helps to take Progesterone Cream to balance out my hormones.
9. In therapy - most of you know that John and I go to marriage counseling every other month. Why? Because it's the sane thing to do. And Alan always gets me to cry. He has a way of getting to the nitty gritty of things.You should try him sometime. I think we have referred like twenty couples to him. He owes us dinner or something.
10. Whenever my kids do something sweet for me - heck I even cry when Rachel smiles at me.
So there is my list, when do you cry?
1. When I feel the Spirit- I always try to hold back the tears when I bear my testimony in church. The Spirit effects all my senses, mainly my tear ducts. Whenever someone is giving a talk or a lesson in church and they start crying, I have to look away or I will too. Or whenever I talk about something spiritual or sentimental I will start crying.
2. When someone ruins something of mine- one of my dear friends mentioned this and it's true about me as well. One time my boys got into something of mine and ruined it. I automatically started crying. If my stuff is messed with I get mad, especially feminine things. I feel invaded and personally attacked if my things get messed with. So no one better find my candy stash.
3. When someone I love leaves- I hate goodbyes. Whenever someone comes to visit, I always cry as they pull out of the driveway. This is defenitely from my mom and her sisters. They always did that when they were young. I hate goodbyes.
4. Whenever my husband tells me sporatically that he loves me. I usually know when to expect it but if he catches me off guard the tears come flowing. If anything is out of place in our relationship it hurts me to the core until I fix it.We hardly ever fight or argue but when we do I don't think there is anything that feels worse.
5. Whenever I receive a sentimental gift- like Coldplay tickets, or a diaper bag I really wanted, or basically any card that my husband gives me.
6- songs- music touches me. Okay this is kind of wierd, but when I was a kid I would listen to FM100 and cry to all the songs that came on. Whenever someone dedicates a song to me I cry.
7. movies- this one isn't as bad as other ones but if it is a spiritual movie like the Joseph Smith movie that is playing at the JSMB right now, I think I cried like five times in that one. If it is a movie I totally get into I will cry. But most of the time I'm fine. As far as books go, I think I've only cried one or two times from reading something sad in a book.
8. When I'm totally worn out or stressed- what do you call that, a nervous breakdown? It helps to take Progesterone Cream to balance out my hormones.
9. In therapy - most of you know that John and I go to marriage counseling every other month. Why? Because it's the sane thing to do. And Alan always gets me to cry. He has a way of getting to the nitty gritty of things.You should try him sometime. I think we have referred like twenty couples to him. He owes us dinner or something.
10. Whenever my kids do something sweet for me - heck I even cry when Rachel smiles at me.
So there is my list, when do you cry?
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Coldplay- the best concert ever.....Thanks Sam!!





After the concert I bought a t-shirt for John because it was worth every penny. Liz and David also loved the show and we are still talking about it every day. Next time I will take John and a few of my boys. Man, they put on a great show!

Monday, November 24, 2008
I was tagged by Teresa and Liz!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
The movie Twilight comes out THIS Friday!!


This is my Edward and Bella. When I first got the book "Twilight", these are the people I imagined in my mind for the characters. Tom Welling from "Smallville" plays the young Clark Kent. I have blogged about him before. Who cares if he is over 30 and Edward is supposably stuck at 17. He would do a great job playing Edward! Alexis Bledel from "Gilmore Girls" and "The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants" is who I would choose for Bella. I would keep her beautiful blue eyes although Bella has brown. She does a great job at acting and is very convincing. I do love the actors they chose for the movie, though I would have loved to see these two as Bella and Edward. If you see the movie, make sure you go into it to just have fun and enjoy the show. I'm sure it won't be as good as the book, but it will be entertaining.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Confessions of a Stay-at-home Mom
Here are some of my confessions that some of you may or may not know about. They are not my deepest confessions, because who would do that on a blog anyway?
1. I don't like raw apples. It took me years to figure this one out. I only like them cooked, dried, or in a dessert. I also don't like frozen fruit. It hurts my teeth to eat anything frozen.
2. I am a Diet Coke addict. If they had a dcannonymous club I would join it. When I was pregnant I switched to Caffeine free and can't tell a difference so I drink that now. It is a "fun" thing to do to go down to the gas station and get a drink. I love Vanilla flavoring as well. Now I limit myself to one a week but I look forward to having it!
3. I don't like camping. My biggest problem is that I hate sleeping in tents. I think it stems back to my childhood when a tent fell in on me because of the wind. I don't like the wind either. I love campfires, s'mores, cookouts, and latenights up in the woods, but when it comes to sleeping count me out.
4. I have a problem with losing socks. Where do they go when you wash them anyway? Last year for Christmas John bought me 45 pairs of socks. I don't know where half of them went. So whenever I sneak a pair of John's for my early morning workouts he says, "Is it time to get some new socks?" I think that is his pet peeve.
5. When do the high school dreams end? I swear I have at least two a week. My dreams are very vivid and real so when I wake up and I'm over thirty with five kids sometimes it is quite disturbing. I don't think I ever want to be in high school again but sometimes it's still fun to be seventeen.
6. I have a problem with toilets. I can only use my own, that is, in my bedroom's bathroom. If I'm watching a movie downstairs and have to go to the bathroom, I have to go upstairs. I think it might be because my boy's pee all over the other toilets and every time I go into that bathroom I can smell it. I also have a problem with cleaning toilets. Can't stand the stray hairs, etc. that come with cleaning a toilet. I think I dry heave every time, or I beg John to do it. I would rather hold it then go in a public place as well.
7. I've had body piercings. Ask me later about that one. I wanted to get a tatoo when I was a teenager but didn't want anything permanant, so I got body piercings instead. Maybe that was a way to get out all the angst. But it was a rush that I got addicted to.
8. I love the smell of toxic and hurtful substances. I used to have some rubber glue in my drawer and had to smell it at least once a day. Every time I walked by the drawer I had to open the glue and get a wiff. I went out of town and craved my glue. Finally I just had to throw it away. If I could create a candle smell it would be a rubber glue scent.
9. I have a little bit of OCD in me.(obsessive compulsive disorder) Every night before going to bed I have to check all the doors, the stove, and the kids before I go to bed. I have to check on the baby three or four times before I can relax. So I'll check on her before I brush my teeth, after I brush my teeth, after I read in bed, and one more time before I fall asleep. She can't even roll over or anything yet so when I check her she is in the same position the whole time. That is just one example. With the stove, sometimes I will go somewhere and worry that I left on the stove. I get anxiety and start sweating. That is a problem.
10. I am a sugar addict. I read a book on it and have yet to try to get off it. One time I stopped eating sugar for about a week and was a complete witch. John kept saying, "Please eat some sugar!" I love candy, especially sour candy like cabbage patch kids. But my favorite is licorice. I have to keep that out of my house or I will eat all of it in one setting. So my goal is to get off sugar or at least minimize my intake.
So there you have it. A few of my confessions, or shall we say obsessions. I would love to know yours.
1. I don't like raw apples. It took me years to figure this one out. I only like them cooked, dried, or in a dessert. I also don't like frozen fruit. It hurts my teeth to eat anything frozen.
2. I am a Diet Coke addict. If they had a dcannonymous club I would join it. When I was pregnant I switched to Caffeine free and can't tell a difference so I drink that now. It is a "fun" thing to do to go down to the gas station and get a drink. I love Vanilla flavoring as well. Now I limit myself to one a week but I look forward to having it!
3. I don't like camping. My biggest problem is that I hate sleeping in tents. I think it stems back to my childhood when a tent fell in on me because of the wind. I don't like the wind either. I love campfires, s'mores, cookouts, and latenights up in the woods, but when it comes to sleeping count me out.
4. I have a problem with losing socks. Where do they go when you wash them anyway? Last year for Christmas John bought me 45 pairs of socks. I don't know where half of them went. So whenever I sneak a pair of John's for my early morning workouts he says, "Is it time to get some new socks?" I think that is his pet peeve.
5. When do the high school dreams end? I swear I have at least two a week. My dreams are very vivid and real so when I wake up and I'm over thirty with five kids sometimes it is quite disturbing. I don't think I ever want to be in high school again but sometimes it's still fun to be seventeen.
6. I have a problem with toilets. I can only use my own, that is, in my bedroom's bathroom. If I'm watching a movie downstairs and have to go to the bathroom, I have to go upstairs. I think it might be because my boy's pee all over the other toilets and every time I go into that bathroom I can smell it. I also have a problem with cleaning toilets. Can't stand the stray hairs, etc. that come with cleaning a toilet. I think I dry heave every time, or I beg John to do it. I would rather hold it then go in a public place as well.
7. I've had body piercings. Ask me later about that one. I wanted to get a tatoo when I was a teenager but didn't want anything permanant, so I got body piercings instead. Maybe that was a way to get out all the angst. But it was a rush that I got addicted to.
8. I love the smell of toxic and hurtful substances. I used to have some rubber glue in my drawer and had to smell it at least once a day. Every time I walked by the drawer I had to open the glue and get a wiff. I went out of town and craved my glue. Finally I just had to throw it away. If I could create a candle smell it would be a rubber glue scent.
9. I have a little bit of OCD in me.(obsessive compulsive disorder) Every night before going to bed I have to check all the doors, the stove, and the kids before I go to bed. I have to check on the baby three or four times before I can relax. So I'll check on her before I brush my teeth, after I brush my teeth, after I read in bed, and one more time before I fall asleep. She can't even roll over or anything yet so when I check her she is in the same position the whole time. That is just one example. With the stove, sometimes I will go somewhere and worry that I left on the stove. I get anxiety and start sweating. That is a problem.
10. I am a sugar addict. I read a book on it and have yet to try to get off it. One time I stopped eating sugar for about a week and was a complete witch. John kept saying, "Please eat some sugar!" I love candy, especially sour candy like cabbage patch kids. But my favorite is licorice. I have to keep that out of my house or I will eat all of it in one setting. So my goal is to get off sugar or at least minimize my intake.
So there you have it. A few of my confessions, or shall we say obsessions. I would love to know yours.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
This Is Our Morning
I don't really ever have anything to say that is exciting on a blog, but my sister Liz just told me to blog about my day. So this is our morning. When I was little there was nothing like sitting on a heat vent early in the morning. The heat coming through the vent would warm me up nice and cozy. My boys love to do the same thing in the morning. The only problem is that we only have two heat vents in our kitchen so the boys fight over who gets them. So we mad up a system. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Enoch and Isaac get them. Then on Tuesday and Thursday Ben and Jake get them. Saturday and Sunday they have to fight for them, but we sleep in anyway on those days so it's not a big deal. The boys seem to keep track of the days and know what day is theirs. Another rule is that blankets are not allowed in the kitchen because the boys don't fold them up when they are done. But this morning Jacob is cheating.


Ben is not from an orphanage but loves to sleep in his underwear.
We start the day when I get home from the gym around 7a.m.by reading scriptures. Then we move to the kitchen for breakfast. The boys love cold cereal every morning. John loves frozen blueberries on his so now the boys do too.I usually have hot cereal with blueberries because I can't stand frozen food on my teeth. I call it "hot heewee" because that's what Enoch called it wen he was younger. Jacob loves hot heewee too but the rest prefer cold. (John keeps telling me not to talk to the boys in baby talk but hot heewee is one word I will never change). The boys love to eat with Dad before he leaves, then we usually get Enoch and Isaac ready for school and meet back up in the kitchen to listen to "the Secret Sound" on the radio. So that is our morning, I hope it is exciting for you!



Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Can you guess the secret sound?
Okay this is rediculous. I have lost sleep over trying to guess "the secret sound". On B98.7fm they are doing a secret sound contest. If you win you get a $6500 hot tub plus money. Every time the secret sound isn't guessed, more money gets put into the jackpot. It is around $5000 right now. The sound is very familiar to me. I have told myself I am going to win and buy using the Secret I have been putting it out to the universe! The only thing is that I can't pinpoint what the sound is. Enoch and Isaac are in on it with me as well. I call in three times a day: 8:10am, 11:10 am and 3:10 pm, which you have to be the 20th caller to guess. This morning it was ringing, but I was like the 21st caller or something. My heart was pounding so bad and Enoch was really freaking out. I told the kids when we win I will take them to Legoland for Christmas. John got really mad because he doesn't want the kids to get their hopes up but I think it's fun just to get involved and be big dreamers! So.... you can listen to the sound on their website which is b987.c0m. Let me know what you think it is.
So far: a lighter, a lock, a deck of cards have been the most guessed. Enoch and I think it could be: a toilet paper dispenser, a nutcracker, a car lighter, or a potato peeler.
What do you think?
You can come and sit in our hottub when we win!
So far: a lighter, a lock, a deck of cards have been the most guessed. Enoch and I think it could be: a toilet paper dispenser, a nutcracker, a car lighter, or a potato peeler.
What do you think?
You can come and sit in our hottub when we win!
What a FUN Hallo-birthday!
We went to the trunk or treat at the church and the boys got tons of candy. Liz and David and their kids met us there, then we came to our house afterward for a little birthday bash. After that Liz and I took the bigger kids back on the streets for trick or treating. They all had a great time and it was awesome weather so we didn't freeze this year!


Liz made me a bunch of sugar cookies with candy corns on them 'cuz she knows that is my favorite thing on Halloween. She also gave me a purse and a scarf that are way cute. Thanks Liz and thank you to all of you who sent cards, money, etc. and called me on my birthday. That means so much to me, it makes me feel really loved.

I bought myself a few gifts this year. Smallville Season Seven that just came out. I have all the other ones, it's sort of a hobby of mine to collect tv series on dvd. I love watching them all at once but this time I am taking my time because I usually get depressed afterwards if I watch them too fast. I also bought the "Twilight" movie soundtrack which just barely got released. I pre-ordered it because I heard some of the music on Stephenie Meyer's website and totally love it.

John bought me what I asked for and what I've been wanting for a LONG time - a mixer! I should have known he would buy me the top of the line mixer since he believes you should pay extra money for the best stuff then it lasts the longes. It is very fun. I have used it every day since. It came with a dvd on how to use it and I've made rolls, german pancakes, mashed potatoes, and muffins since. It will be very used in our house! Thanks John for making the day so special. He also gave me Sunflowers which are my favorite!
Liz made me a bunch of sugar cookies with candy corns on them 'cuz she knows that is my favorite thing on Halloween. She also gave me a purse and a scarf that are way cute. Thanks Liz and thank you to all of you who sent cards, money, etc. and called me on my birthday. That means so much to me, it makes me feel really loved.
John bought me what I asked for and what I've been wanting for a LONG time - a mixer! I should have known he would buy me the top of the line mixer since he believes you should pay extra money for the best stuff then it lasts the longes. It is very fun. I have used it every day since. It came with a dvd on how to use it and I've made rolls, german pancakes, mashed potatoes, and muffins since. It will be very used in our house! Thanks John for making the day so special. He also gave me Sunflowers which are my favorite!
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