Saturday, November 29, 2008

When do you cry?

So I was thinking about the times in my life when I cry. I was thinking this because I cry so easily, maybe I get it from my mom's side of the family. But it just feels good sometimes to cry, it's like a stress relief or something. Here is the list of things that usually make me cry.

1. When I feel the Spirit- I always try to hold back the tears when I bear my testimony in church. The Spirit effects all my senses, mainly my tear ducts. Whenever someone is giving a talk or a lesson in church and they start crying, I have to look away or I will too. Or whenever I talk about something spiritual or sentimental I will start crying.
2. When someone ruins something of mine- one of my dear friends mentioned this and it's true about me as well. One time my boys got into something of mine and ruined it. I automatically started crying. If my stuff is messed with I get mad, especially feminine things. I feel invaded and personally attacked if my things get messed with. So no one better find my candy stash.
3. When someone I love leaves- I hate goodbyes. Whenever someone comes to visit, I always cry as they pull out of the driveway. This is defenitely from my mom and her sisters. They always did that when they were young. I hate goodbyes.
4. Whenever my husband tells me sporatically that he loves me. I usually know when to expect it but if he catches me off guard the tears come flowing. If anything is out of place in our relationship it hurts me to the core until I fix it.We hardly ever fight or argue but when we do I don't think there is anything that feels worse.
5. Whenever I receive a sentimental gift- like Coldplay tickets, or a diaper bag I really wanted, or basically any card that my husband gives me.
6- songs- music touches me. Okay this is kind of wierd, but when I was a kid I would listen to FM100 and cry to all the songs that came on. Whenever someone dedicates a song to me I cry.
7. movies- this one isn't as bad as other ones but if it is a spiritual movie like the Joseph Smith movie that is playing at the JSMB right now, I think I cried like five times in that one. If it is a movie I totally get into I will cry. But most of the time I'm fine. As far as books go, I think I've only cried one or two times from reading something sad in a book.
8. When I'm totally worn out or stressed- what do you call that, a nervous breakdown? It helps to take Progesterone Cream to balance out my hormones.
9. In therapy - most of you know that John and I go to marriage counseling every other month. Why? Because it's the sane thing to do. And Alan always gets me to cry. He has a way of getting to the nitty gritty of things.You should try him sometime. I think we have referred like twenty couples to him. He owes us dinner or something.
10. Whenever my kids do something sweet for me - heck I even cry when Rachel smiles at me.

So there is my list, when do you cry?


The Kings said...

In diaper commercials. Or really any commercials. I don't know why.

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