Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What a FUN Hallo-birthday!

We had a great Halloween this year. I turned 33, so it seemed like just another year. Jacob and Benjamin were cowboys. Isaac was a phantom so you can't see his face. Enoch was a punk rocker cuz that was the cool thing to do in school. And Rachel was a pink leoperd. I decided to dress up for my birthday this year so I decided to dress the part and be a witch since it seems I'm like that character a lot these days. I told John he needs to stop being a party pooper and dress up for the kids' sake. So he came home from work with this wig. Then he went to his closet and put on a Hawaiin shirt. He was telling people he was dressed up like himself in the Millenium.

We went to the trunk or treat at the church and the boys got tons of candy. Liz and David and their kids met us there, then we came to our house afterward for a little birthday bash. After that Liz and I took the bigger kids back on the streets for trick or treating. They all had a great time and it was awesome weather so we didn't freeze this year!

Liz made me a bunch of sugar cookies with candy corns on them 'cuz she knows that is my favorite thing on Halloween. She also gave me a purse and a scarf that are way cute. Thanks Liz and thank you to all of you who sent cards, money, etc. and called me on my birthday. That means so much to me, it makes me feel really loved.

I bought myself a few gifts this year. Smallville Season Seven that just came out. I have all the other ones, it's sort of a hobby of mine to collect tv series on dvd. I love watching them all at once but this time I am taking my time because I usually get depressed afterwards if I watch them too fast. I also bought the "Twilight" movie soundtrack which just barely got released. I pre-ordered it because I heard some of the music on Stephenie Meyer's website and totally love it.

John bought me what I asked for and what I've been wanting for a LONG time - a mixer! I should have known he would buy me the top of the line mixer since he believes you should pay extra money for the best stuff then it lasts the longes. It is very fun. I have used it every day since. It came with a dvd on how to use it and I've made rolls, german pancakes, mashed potatoes, and muffins since. It will be very used in our house! Thanks John for making the day so special. He also gave me Sunflowers which are my favorite!


Teresa Stubbs said...

Holy awesome mixer! I want one!

michele said...

I love your blog!! Such cute pictures! It looks like you have a really nice camera and you are great at photography. I am so glad you guys came that was Travis' fav part. We both loved seeing you guys. P.S Thanks for the yummy m&ms too.