Sunday, November 16, 2008

Confessions of a Stay-at-home Mom

Here are some of my confessions that some of you may or may not know about. They are not my deepest confessions, because who would do that on a blog anyway?
1. I don't like raw apples. It took me years to figure this one out. I only like them cooked, dried, or in a dessert. I also don't like frozen fruit. It hurts my teeth to eat anything frozen.
2. I am a Diet Coke addict. If they had a dcannonymous club I would join it. When I was pregnant I switched to Caffeine free and can't tell a difference so I drink that now. It is a "fun" thing to do to go down to the gas station and get a drink. I love Vanilla flavoring as well. Now I limit myself to one a week but I look forward to having it!
3. I don't like camping. My biggest problem is that I hate sleeping in tents. I think it stems back to my childhood when a tent fell in on me because of the wind. I don't like the wind either. I love campfires, s'mores, cookouts, and latenights up in the woods, but when it comes to sleeping count me out.
4. I have a problem with losing socks. Where do they go when you wash them anyway? Last year for Christmas John bought me 45 pairs of socks. I don't know where half of them went. So whenever I sneak a pair of John's for my early morning workouts he says, "Is it time to get some new socks?" I think that is his pet peeve.
5. When do the high school dreams end? I swear I have at least two a week. My dreams are very vivid and real so when I wake up and I'm over thirty with five kids sometimes it is quite disturbing. I don't think I ever want to be in high school again but sometimes it's still fun to be seventeen.
6. I have a problem with toilets. I can only use my own, that is, in my bedroom's bathroom. If I'm watching a movie downstairs and have to go to the bathroom, I have to go upstairs. I think it might be because my boy's pee all over the other toilets and every time I go into that bathroom I can smell it. I also have a problem with cleaning toilets. Can't stand the stray hairs, etc. that come with cleaning a toilet. I think I dry heave every time, or I beg John to do it. I would rather hold it then go in a public place as well.
7. I've had body piercings. Ask me later about that one. I wanted to get a tatoo when I was a teenager but didn't want anything permanant, so I got body piercings instead. Maybe that was a way to get out all the angst. But it was a rush that I got addicted to.
8. I love the smell of toxic and hurtful substances. I used to have some rubber glue in my drawer and had to smell it at least once a day. Every time I walked by the drawer I had to open the glue and get a wiff. I went out of town and craved my glue. Finally I just had to throw it away. If I could create a candle smell it would be a rubber glue scent.
9. I have a little bit of OCD in me.(obsessive compulsive disorder) Every night before going to bed I have to check all the doors, the stove, and the kids before I go to bed. I have to check on the baby three or four times before I can relax. So I'll check on her before I brush my teeth, after I brush my teeth, after I read in bed, and one more time before I fall asleep. She can't even roll over or anything yet so when I check her she is in the same position the whole time. That is just one example. With the stove, sometimes I will go somewhere and worry that I left on the stove. I get anxiety and start sweating. That is a problem.
10. I am a sugar addict. I read a book on it and have yet to try to get off it. One time I stopped eating sugar for about a week and was a complete witch. John kept saying, "Please eat some sugar!" I love candy, especially sour candy like cabbage patch kids. But my favorite is licorice. I have to keep that out of my house or I will eat all of it in one setting. So my goal is to get off sugar or at least minimize my intake.
So there you have it. A few of my confessions, or shall we say obsessions. I would love to know yours.


Liz said...

thanks for sharing your funny, quirky issues. Ha! That's hilarious about the socks. It's true, they just disappear, but I still think it's funny that John bought you 45 pairs for Christmas!

Sadie Lynn said...

ha ha some of those made me laugh out loud but maybe it is because it is good to see that I am not the only person with quirky habits and obsessions!

Ink Poison said...

I burp loud when Martin's not around. And I'll just confess for my mother as well, because I remember her burping loud too. Long and loud burps.

michele said...

You are so cute. I loved reading about you. Where do all of the socks go?? I also would like to know.

Anonymous said...

You make me laugh. I think it's so funny that John bought you THAT many pairs of socks. So, I share a few of your quirks. I'm addicted to Diet Dr. Pepper. The first sip is the best - I just feel my whole body relax - a total comfort drink. Another confession is I had bad A.D.D. as a child. When I hit puberty I outgrew most of the bad behaviors, and went of the medicine, but still once in awhile you'll see it. I can talk too loud and too fast. I also can be looking right at you while you are telling me something and sometimes not really process it and ask you 5 minutes later what you just answered or whatever. It drives Dave bananas.